Iron Maidens Mangled ~ 8/10 (N)BRF

Iron Maidens Mangled ~ 8/10 (N)BRF

We had our first look at the Iron Maidens encounter as a guild on Thursday. Despite having a smaller raid size than normal, the seventh attempt was the charm. Blackhand can surely hear our footsteps getting closer as now only the Blast Furnace stands between us....
Heroic Destruction ~ 5/10 (H)BRF

Heroic Destruction ~ 5/10 (H)BRF

We made a strong push into Heroic BRF on Tuesday, picking up three first kills. (H)Oregorger fell first, followed by (H)Beastlord and finally (H)Flamebender. Tons of great loot was had, including our first 680 tier pieces as well as a very much in demand Goren Soul...
Kromog Crumbles ~ 7/10N BRF

Kromog Crumbles ~ 7/10N BRF

We felled our first final wing boss in BRF on Tuesday, with Kromog biting the dust in two attempts. Tier helms are officially on the menu, and I’m sure a couple more progression kills aren’t too far behind.
One Night, Three Progression Kills

One Night, Three Progression Kills

We spent a night dedicated entirely to progression on Thursday, and came away with three first kills! Operator Thogar fell on normal, followed by Heroic Hans and Franz and Heroic Gruul biting the dust. Excellent work, and grats on the loot. Kromog’s days are...
Eight Bosses and Some Unfinished Business

Eight Bosses and Some Unfinished Business

After knocking out five bosses in normal BRF, we took our talents to heroic Highmaul to snag a quick progression kill to end our Tuesday night raid. Heroic Brackenspore fell in a single attempt, bringing us to 6/7H Highmaul. So much loot, it felt like most folks got...